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Organisational consultant,

About Natalie
Past work experince
Articles and chapters in books

Read an article about Natalie in essens 2/04  (pdf) (in Swedish)

Listen to a radio program at "Bildningsradion", from Saturday April 16, 2005, (in Swedish)

Read an article about Natalie in GP 1/08  (pdf) (in Swedish)


The Foresight Network

The World Futures Studies Federation

World Future Society

  Natalie Dian is an organizational consultant with over 30 years experience from working with people. She has worked with environmental scanning, trend analysis, scenarios and visions long before it became popular. She has developed Basic Values Charts, a method for helping individuals and organizations to identify and articulate their values and she has written a number of articles about futures studies and values published by professional journals. Regularly she writes new ”Signs of the Times”, on the Vision Center´s web site. She has a Bachelors degree in "Counseling and Guidance" from Antioch University in the USA and has taken graduate courses in organizational theory and futures studies.

As a futurist she specialize in: facilitating the processes of a futures study including; trends, trend analysis, scenario writing and vision creation.

values, organization- and group behavior, leadership training and communication.

Innovations: Basic Values Charts I & II – a system for identifying individual, group or leadership values.
Foresight Styles Assessment – an assessment that reveals the ability of an individual or group to handle change and think long range


Ecologic living
Ecologic gardening
Family and friends

Values statement:
I believe that people are basically good. People are systems that are always trying to come into balance. I gravitate toward people that help me create balance. Leadership is important to me, I choose who I follow, and avoid strict hierarchies which limit my decision-making ability and creativity. I prefer to be my own boss at the same time cooperating with others. People are flexible and can change. It is the differences in people that drive introspection, awareness, action and often irritation. We need the comfort of similarity as well. I am drawn to differences in cultures and similarities in values. Reflection or being keeps us healthy, giving meaning to our actions. I value reflection in a world where doing is dominant and too often without meaning.

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