A center that offers resourses for long range development to companies, authorities and individuals
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  We have received e-mail and phone calls asking for recommended reading in Futures Studies. Please feel free to wander through our book register where you will find many exciting books having to do with:

Work Life and Community / Arbetsliv och samhälle    

Ethics and Values / Etik & värderingar

Futures Methodologies / Framtidsmetodiker

Learning, Brain Research / Inlärning, Hjärnforskning

Creativity / Kreativitet

Maskuline and Feminine / Manligt och kvinnligt

Environment & Economy / Miljö och ekonomi

Paradigms / Paradigm

Personal Development / Personlig utveckling

Project Methods / Projektmetodik

Science and Technology / Vetenskap och teknologi

Our library is specially organized to suit our model FramtidsbyggetTM so you will find unusual topics and little alphabetizing! Have a look.
New books have been added to the Futures Library, please take a look! Periodically, colleagues recommend books that have been an epithany for them, or at least a very "good read". The publishing dates are not always new, but, in most cases, the learning and thoughts they represent are wisdom that holds value over time.

If you find a book of special interest to Futures Studies we will be pleased to print your short review with your name and add it to the library.

 Mail The Vision Center       This web site and its contents are Copywright 2005 Visionscentret FramtidsbyggetTM