A Tale of the Future
The book
is based upon a year and one half study
of the future by 26 young Swedish people
between the ages of 20 and 27 years old.
It is written as a story
of a desirable future which takes place
in the year 2021. While definitely not
a novel, this social science fiction does
have a story line and follows two characters.
Sara and Axel's lives come together in
their work. Sara represents the age and
experience the books creators will be
in the year 2021. Axel is the same age
in the story as the "Future Builders"
were at the time of the book's origin.
books youthful originators intended the
book to:
- stimulate discussion on the kind
of future we want
- influence decision making toward
a sustainable society
- involve a wide range of readers by
providing story based
material for school groups (ages 12
to adults), study circles,
book discussion groups etc.