Environmental Scanning through a collection of:
What is a Sign of the
Times? Signs of the times are the result
of information gathering that looks for inventions,
innovations, attitudes and actions. Signs of the times
come from many sources, are systematically gathered
and have meaning for the future.
What is a Trend?
A trend is long-range and persistent; it effects many
societal groups, grows slowly and is profound. In
contrast, a fad is short-term, "in", effects particular
societal groups, spreads quickly and is superficial.
What is a Mega-trend?
A mega-trend extends over many generations, and in
cases of weather, mega-trends can cover periods prior
to human existence. They describe complex interactions
with many factors and they often represent the introduction
of several new paradigms or worldviews that arise
in hunting and gathering, agriculture, and industrial
Trend babies:
Here you find general trends or signs of new trends
("trend babies") from the categories social, technical,
ecological, economic or political. Trend babies grow
from innovations in the above categories that have
the potential of going mainstream in the future (for
example: just a few years ago, alternative medicine
was truly alternative. Now it is big business and
very respectable). The choice of trends is naturally
influenced by the author's values.
Trend families:
Very often, the chosen Signs are members of a trend
family. A parent trend (for example, the change from
an industrial society to a knowledge-based society)
is well documented. The ways in which such sweeping
trends play themselves out in various parts of the
community represent the "members of that trends family".
Examples: Jobs in the industrial
sector have shrunk causing widespread unemployment.
Many countries see small business
as a solution to unemployment, driving unprecedented
attention to small business in many countries legislatures.
Another example of a trend
related to the move from industrial to knowledge society
is the privatization of the education industry.
As in all cases in Signs, sustainability
is one of the larger branches from which many other
twig-sized trends grow. Sustainability is "the property
of being sustainable", "using a resource so that the
resource is not depleted or permanently damaged".
In Signs, I use it to mean sustainable development,
"an approach to economic planning that attempts to
foster economic growth while preserving the quality
of the environment for future generations."
Confirming Trends:
When does a "trend baby", gain acceptance as a bona
fide trend? When it gets enough confirmation in the
various media to show it is an increasingly accepted
value, behavior or technology.
Geographical trend
growth and "bellwether" geographic sites:
There is also an attempt to follow the global spread
of trends that have started in the West (for example,
Women's rights are a generally accepted topic in the
media and on the Internet. Just how and when women's
rights develop in various countries can represent
global growth of that trend.) Some places seem to
lead development in one or a variety of areas and
are looked to as the source of new trends. California
has long been considered as bellwether for the United
States. The Nordic countries of Finland, Sweden, Norway
and Denmark have been considered bellwether in social
All trends, to a greater or
lesser degree affect our lives, our work and our futures.
Our ability to understand that effect can many times
make a positive difference in the quality of our lives.
Health trend
Evolution of Global Consumer Trends
We eat based upon our values.
According to a global study done by market analysts,
Datamonitor, we will be choosing our foods based
upon the following ten trends, age, gender,
life stage, income complexities together with
individualism, sensory, comfort, connectivity,
convenience and health. A whopping 90% of us
value health in Europe and the US. More people
are living alone, because we are single or elderly.
We want healthy and convenient foods. We appear
to value adulthood or youth orientations, depending
upon our age. Foods will be sold to us as ageless
as to appeal to both markets. Women and a growing
number of men see that the way to health is
based upon what they eat. Foods will therefore
be more gender neutral, with the possible exception
of beer which will remain the macho drink. The
value of individualism is growing and people
will prefer to buy foods and products that reflect
their special needs. We are more willing to
try new foods and enjoy the experience of trying
new things at the same time ethnic food helps
people stay connected to their roots. Some foods
will still be used to comfort us whether they
are healthy or not.
There was no mention
of how our valuing diversity and environment
will affect our purchase of "fair"
foods, those with a certificate assuring that
the laborers who produced the product have been
treated fairly.
Source: Datamonitor
Date: July 4, 2005
Report: Evolution of Global Consumer Trends
URL1: www.datamonitor.com/~139d40af05234bbea4e992978554d715~/
The search for identity and meaning trend
- Grammar analysis reveals ancient language
- Insight Into Eye Evolution Deals Blow
To Intelligent Design
- Genetic Distance and Language Affinities
Between Autochthonous Human Populations
In order to better document
language families a new system has been developed
using languages grammatical structure. Using
similarities in words has only taken researchers
back 10,000 years and with this new system they
can go further back. Eventually this research
is hoped to help in understanding the origins
of language. Another group of researchers have
formulated a conceptual framework for understanding
how the eye has evolved in vertebrates.
A third, related research
line shows, through new genetic research, the
linkages between different population groups
in the present and far back into history. All
of these research lines are evidence for a trend
of wanting to find out who we are and how we
came to be what we are today is picking up power.
Behind all this lies the difficult question
"what are we here for?"
Source 1: Nature.com.
Source 2: Current Biology, Vol. 15, pages
1684-1689, September 20, 2005. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2005.08.046
Source 3: Friesian School
Date 1: September 22, 2005
Date 2: September 23, 2005
Date 3: September 26, 2005
Author 1: Jennifer Wild
Author 2: Sebastian M. Shimeld, University
of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; Andrew G.
Purkiss, Orval A. Bateman, and Christine Slingsby
of Birkbeck College University of London, United
Kingdom; Ron P.H. Dirks and Nicolette H. Lubsen
of Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Author 3: Kelley L. Ross Department of
PhilosophyLos Angeles Valley College
URL 1: www.nature.com/news/2005/050919/full/050919-10.html
URL 2: www.scienceagogo.com/news/20050822230316data_trunc_sys.shtml
URL 3: www.friesian.com/trees.htm
Development of a new hegemonic power
China seen world leader in clean energy
China is quickly becoming
the world leader in renewable energy. World
Watch Institute President is quoted as saying
that "35 million homes in China get their
hot water from solar collectors" which
is more than combined figures for the rest of
the world. Between 1994 and 2004 China has experienced
a yearly average growth rate of about 30 percent
in wind power and 25% a year growth rate of
As a result of the Chinese
dive into renewable energy, prices are expected
to go down; new technology could rise and in
the long-term, renewable energy might keep China
out of energy based wars. These factors taken
together, play into the thoughts of those who
believe that China will be the new hegemonic
Source: Reuters.know.now
Authors: Ed Stoddard
URL: today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=
Movement toward cleaner air
The New Clean Fuel: Coal Producer Goes Green
In our search for clean
fuels, technology allows coal to be liquefied
into a nonpolluting synthetic gas for the production
of electricity or hydrogen. The coal rich south
of the United States and Australia have two
different ways of going about it. One advocates
building plants above ground costing early $1.2
billion apiece to build which uses coal mined
as it is today. The other, Underground Coal
Gasification, in Australia drills down to the
coal, makes it into gas and recover the gas
up through production wells. See illustration.
The result of this process, Syngas, used for
fuel for power generation or used in another
process out of which diesel fuel can be made.

www.greencarcongress.com |
This Australian process
is already in use in Russia. It is being
used in remote or difficult to mine fields.
Source: Businessweek, Green
Car Congress
Date: August 15, 2005
URL 1: www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_39/b3952102.htm
URL 2: www.greencarcongress.com/2005/08/underground_coa.html
Sustainability- Energy- Hydrogen
Making society independent of fossil fuels
- Danish researchers reveal new technology -
More pieces to the hydrogen
puzzle are coming into place. Danish scientists
have developed a tablet that stores hydrogen,
a gas, as a solid. It is both inexpensive and
safe enough to carry in your pocket. It means
that a car can store, in the space of one gas
tank, the same amount of hydrogen that in gas
form would take nine tanks. The trick is that
ammonia (hydrogen and nitrogen) is soaked into
sea salt. At the time of use a catalyst releases
the ammonia and the hydrogen is freed for use.
The tablet can be "re-fueled" with
a new shot of ammonia.
The five, cross- disciplinary
scientists responsible for the tablets have
formed a company that is developing them for
commercial use. There is no indication of how
long this process will take place. See signs
from June 21, 2005 Trend: Sustainability - transportation
and energy
Revolution för elbilar (Revolution for
electric cars) among others.
Source: Danish Technical
University Press release
Date: September 8, 2005
Author: Michael Strangholt
URL: www.dtu.dk/English/About_DTU/News.aspx?guid={E6FF7D39-1EDD-
Weak trend - the study of peace
How Freedom is Won: From Civic Resistance
to Durable Democracy
Nonviolent civic opposition
appears to be a key factor in bringing about freedom
in the world. This study looked at changes in
countries between 1973 and 2000 that were non-violent
or mostly non-violent and tried to understand
how they moved to a more democratic position.
Some of their findings were:
- The stronger a nonviolent civic coalition,
the larger the gains for freedom
- The presence of strong civic coalitions
improves chances for freedom
- Transitions with high civic involvement
lLead to more freedom than top-down transitions
- Gains for freedom are higher when the opposition
refrains from violence
- Civic forces are major drivers of transitions
to freedom
Non-violent change occurs
when it initiated and driven by grassroots or
civil organizations. These can be student groups
or trade union or others. This civil society
has to be quite large and well organized, overtly
non-violent using such tools as mass protests,
strikes, boycotts, blockades, and/or civil disobedience.
Sometimes, when civil societies are less organized,
mass civic protests, strikes, and other forms
of nonviolent resistance can and have occurred.
Support of civil society is important to democracy
within a country. At the same time, international
networks also play an important roll.
Source: Freedom House
Date: 2005
Authors Adrian Karatnycky and Peter Ackerman
URL: www.freedomhouse.org/research/specreports/
Values shifts as the large, after war, population
Accessibility could take a step backward
A variety of changes are
reported in different articles as to what is
called in the U.S., the "baby boomers"
move into retirement age. Issues now and in
the future named are: long-term sustainability
of pension systems, possibility of pensions
tied to the individual, not the employer, life-
long learning for those who want to keep working
after retirement age, need for health care for
aging populations, a need to raise the year
of retirement and the growth in numbers of handicapped.
All of the problems of an aging population will
diminish by 2040-45 when populations will be
younger and smaller.
This is an unusually large
group of people born between 1946 and 1964.
In other western countries and Japan they are
designated differently, but the general effect
of the second world war's end was an increase
in births or babies born in the 1940's and 50's.
These large groups are entering retirement and
impacting everything around them. In the U.
S. there are 76 million individuals born between
1946 and 1964. In Italy, Spain and Japan, 45
percent of the population will be over the age
of 60 by the year 2040.
Source: CSIS Center for
Strategic and International Studies The Graying
of the Industrial World, and other articles
on this site ZD Net Asia
Date: January 25-26 2000, July 26, 2005
Press Release: Frances W. West
URL 1: www.zdnetasia.com/toolkits/0,39047352,39245353-39094248p,00.htm
URL 2: www.csis.org/gai/Graying/speeches/seike.html
(This URL has been removed. A google search
will give summeries of the conference.)
New research areas with cross- disciplinary
approach and an ethical component
Neuroethics, a new hot research topic at Uppsala
University (Neuroetik nytt hett forskningsämne
vid Uppsala universitet)
A mixed group of researchers
from philosophy, brain research and behavioral
sciences are behind a new subject, Neuroethics.
As the line between behavior and biological
processes in the brain dims there is a need
to determine what is "normal" and
that is where the ethical questions enter. We
can now measure the brain using a variety of
different techniques and change it with medications.
This is wonderful for those with brain injuries
or illnesses. It is theoretically possible for
even healthy people to "improve themselves",
their memory, their learning and rid themselves
of unwanted behavior.
Neuroethics is a new
field concerned with the benefits and dangers
of modern research on the brain, and by extension,
with the social, legal and ethical implications
of treating or manipulating the mind. Neuroethics
critically examines the rapidly expanding fields
of neuroscience. See the "Signs from last
month on astrozoology.
Source: Uppsala University
Date: May, June 2005
Author: Pressmeddelande 2005-03-08
URL1: info.uu.se/press.nsf/pm/neuroetik.nytt.id3B.html
URL2: www.cognitiveliberty.org/proj_neuro.html
Growth of do-it-yourself health tests
Development of small batteries
Pee-powered battery smaller than a credit
The invention is a disposable
battery which supplies electricity in contact
with biofluids, in this case urine and blood.
Its design was intended for home-based health
test kits. The biochip eliminates the need for
external readers (scanner) and power. The vision
is that the disposable chips could be purchased
from any pharmacy. An additional use comes when
one places a small cellular phone or transmitter
on a plastic card holding the chip. It acts
as a disposable biofluid-activated communication
source in case of an emergency.
The scientist behind this
invention is Ki Bang Lee, at the Institute of
Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore.
The urine-powered battery generates a voltage
of about 1.5 volts - with a corresponding power
of 1.5 micro-watts and uses 0.2 millilitres
of urine. The biochip can be used again after
15 hours if one more urine drop is added. To
quote the article, "The battery is made
of a layer of filter paper steeped in copper
chloride, sandwiched between strips of magnesium
and copper. This "sandwich" is then
laminated in plastic to hold the whole package
together. The resulting battery is just 1 millimetre
thick and 60 by 30 mm across - slightly smaller
than a credit card." For an earlier "Sign"
on another battery see Sustainability
- transportation and energy, from June 21,
Source: NewScientist.com
news service
Date: August 15, 2005
Author: Shaoni Bhattacharya
URL: www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7850
Economic - Changing work paradigms
- Fighting for time: Shifting Boundaries
of Work and Social Life
- The Time Divide: Work, Family and Gender
- From Widgets to Digits: Employment Regulation
for the Changing Workplace
- Workplace Justice Without Unions
Working conditions designed
for an industrial society and giving way to
a new paradigm, sometimes called the knowledge
or service society. As the industrial framework
becomes less relevant, new issues arise. One
of these issues is time, a societal construction,
which determines how much one is expected to
work. The need to work coupled with responsibility
of a household and child rearing, who owns human
capital (skills knowledge, organizational information)
and the need to restructure laws for a service
oriented, educated and varied workforce are
all driving change in how we will work in the
future. Other factors driving change are the
need to find balance between jobs that pay low
wages with structured hours and jobs that demand
long days but pay well; the have-time-but-no-money
or money, but no time dilemma.
The outlines of a new work
paradigm are taking place. Although the state
of workers globally is uneven, workers rights
are growing despite the low level from which
they may have started. Some of the new areas
of negotiation are safety protections (physical
and psychological), continual learning (where
the employer does not own the human capital
but pays for and "leases" it), new
rights for part-time and temporary workers,
new ways to enforce workplace justice, and a
social safety net that is not related to a specific
job (health insurance, continuing education
costs, retirement package.
Source: Future Survey 27:3
Date: March 2005
Authors: 1. Cynthia Fuchs Epstein and Arnie
L. Kallenberg 2. Jerry A. Jacobs and Kathleen
Gerson, 3. Katherine V. W. Stone 4. Hoyt N.
Wheeler, Brian S. Klaas and Douglas M. Mahony
Publishers: 1. Russell Sage Foundation, 2. Harvard
University Press 3.Cambridge University Press
4. W. E. Upfohn Institute for Employment Research
Sustainability - New energy sources
The Rebirth of Cold Fusion: Real Science,
Real Hope, Real Energy
In 1989, cold fusion was
judged by scientists as being impossible according
to physics theories. In the ensuing fifteen
years more experimental evidence world wide
show that a new energy source in the form of
excess heat has been measured precisely and
There is a push in the United
States to get financing for cold fusion. Cold
fusion is a term for any nuclear fusion reaction
that occurs substantially below normal temperatures.
More specifically it describes a low-temperature
reaction using relatively normal experimental
conditions. For more information: www.newenergytimes.com/DOE/DOE-TRCF.htm
While there may be more interest currently in
the U.S. for cold fusion, it is just one of
a number of alternative energy sources that
are fighting for funds in a negative political
Source: The Rebirth of
Cold fusion: Real Science, Real Hope, Real Energy
Date: October 2004
Authors: Steven Krivit and Nadien Winocur
Publisher: Pacific Oaks Press
Understanding terrorism
Kennedy School Study Examines How Political
Affects Terrorism Risks
It is intermediate level
political freedom that best correlates with
the risk of terrorism. Countries, called anocracies,
such as Iraq and Russia are examples. Political
freedom is more important than economic performance.
Countries with high levels of political freedom
and highly authoritarian regimes don't show
the same correlation with terrorism. Anocracies
are often characterized as regimes that are
weak and unstable.
When we understand more about
the conditions which incubate terrorism (referrers
to national and international terrorism) the
easier it will be to stop it. Between 1985 and
2003 the numbers of anocratic countries have
been on the rise.
Source 1: Kennedy School
of Harvard University
Source 2: Integrated Network for Social Conflict
Research, University of Maryland
Press Release Date 1: October 25, 2004
Press Release Date 2: 2005
URL 1: www.ksg.harvard.edu/press/press%20releases/
URL 2: www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/polity/global2.htm
Changing ethical questions
Future Ethical Issues
This chapter 4, Future Ethical
Issues in the 2005 State of the Future relates
the results of an international assessment to
identify the most important future ethical issues.
Those who were rated the highest for the future
period 2005 to 2010 are (in order of significance):
- What is the ethical way to intervene in
the affairs of a country that is significantly
endangering its or other people?
- Should religions give up the claim of certainty
and/or superiority to reduce religion-related
- Do we have the right to clone ourselves?
- Do parents have a right to create genetically
altered "designer babies"?
- Should national sovereignty and cultural
differences be allowed to prevent international
intervention designed to stop widespread violence
perpetrated by men against women?
- Is it right to allow people and organizations
to pollute if they pay a fee or engage in
pollution trading?
- What are the ethical ways to develop applications
of artificial intelligence?
- Should scientists be held personally responsible
for the consequences of their research?
This assessment was developed
using the Delphi Method. Four hundred and twenty-four
individuals participated representing forty-
three countries. For more information and to
order the whole report, see www.acunu.org/millennium/issues.html
See New jobs in growing ethics "industry"
Signs of the Times Archives, Updated August
22, 2005.
Source: 2005 State of the
Date: 2005
Authors Jerome C. Glenn and Theodore J. Gordon
Publisher: American Council for The United Nations
University, The Millennium Project
Growing knowledge of the genetic and biological
causes of mental illnesses
Scientists Uncover New Clues About Brain Function
The mental disease, Williams
Syndrome, causes people to be very social and
empathetic. They respond to others this way,
missing signals those without the syndrome would
interpret as fear and anxiety. Their fear is
transferred to things like heights and spiders.
It is known that this illness is caused by 21
missing genes on chromosome seven. The question
scientists had, was where in the brain's structure
did this lack of genes manifest itself? By comparing
the reactions of people with and without Williams
Syndrome scientists were able to locate the
dysfunction to the amygdala.
Other areas of the prefrontal
cortex (front portion of the brain) work with
the amygdala in a delicate network. Within that
area there are three regions, the dorsolateral
(establishes and maintains social goals having
to do with interaction), the medial area (connected
to empathy and regulation of negative emotion),
and the orbitofrontal region (assignment of
emotional value to a situation). In Williams
Syndrome this system had significant abnormalities.
Source: NIH/National Institute
of Mental Health
Date: July 13, 2005
Press Release: Jennifer Loukissas
URL: www.nimh.nih.gov/press/williamspathway.cfm
A trend baby toward good news
South African good news
Good News India
Everyone is tired of the
regular news. Periodically, I find myself wanting
to cry when listening to the news. The regular
news reportage goes on, but a new paradigm of
news reporting does exist, reporting only the
good news. A South African sight is geared to
sharing the good news of South Africa with expatriates
with an eye to getting them to return. It doesn't
stop others from getting another view of SA.
Good News India was started
by D V Sridharan and covers a wide range of
topics, visionary, frontier, conservation, outreach,
traditions, transitions, economy, milestones,
institutions and friends. It extols the volunteer
and the entrepreneur. One article reports that
the citizens of Chennai brag about their wells
after the whole region started collecting water
on their roofs. In just a few years, the situation
changed from drought and a few drops from faucets
to clearer more plentiful water supplies, all
with the help of simple technology. www.goodnewsindia.com/index.php/Magazine/story/98/P0/
There are 16, 800, 000
sites in a Google search for "good news".
The search is definitely worth a look. What
people judge to be good news is based upon their
values and their world view. The consequence
of each news item determines their worth.
Sources: South African
good News, Good News India and Google
Date: May 25, 2005
URL1: www.sagoodnews.co.za/
URL2: www.google.com/search?hl=sv&rls=RNWE%2CRNWE%3A2005-
Future human development
1. Conference Seoul Digital Forum : Quo Vadis
Ubiquitous: Creating a new digital society
2. Conference TransVision 2005 :Towards a new
world, a longer, better life for everyone
3. Human evolution at the crossroads: Genetics,
cybernetics complicate forecast for species
Two conferences and an
article all within the same period discuss the
future of the human being. One of the forces
at play is genetics which is helping us to understand
the aging process. Once the aging mechanism
is understood we will be living longer. At the
same time we are increasingly becoming cyber
(part human and part technology) beings. Glasses,
pace makers, mechanical limbs that are digitalized
and programmed, all of these innovations show
a slow evolution of human dependence on technology.
These changes have started now and could be
very noticeable in the next 15 years. See Transhumanism
- benefit or threat? www.cite-sciences.fr/english/ala_cite/expo/tempo/defis/
A summary of the scenarios
for future human development are: genetic modification,
transhumanism or blending ourselves with machines
in unprecedented ways, fighting to stay the
same (natural-born humans), making ourselves
virtually extinction-proof by bending Earth's
flora and fauna to our will, or gene pool convergence
(traditional evolution requires divergence of
gene pools without which our adaptability to
disease and climate change diminishes). Three
new types of beings might appear, the enhanced
(those with means), the naturals and the rest.
Source: Seoul Digital Forum,
TransVision 2005
Date: May 19, 2005, July 22-24, 2005, May 2,
Author: Alan Boyle
URL 1: www.seouldigitalforum.org/english/vod/vod_list.jsp
URL 2: www.transhumanismo.org/tv05/
URL 3: www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7103668/
New jobs in growing ethics "industry"
Birth of the Ethics Industry
So many companies' executives
around the world and particularly in the United
States, have broken laws and gone over ethical
borders that a new consulting specialty is developing.
Some of the services these companies will provide
are legal and ethics education programs, customized
courses on the company's business ethics policy,
ethics hotline services, new reporting systems
to receive complaints and tips and web-based
It is important for reporting
systems to be outside the firm to avoid retaliations.
The growth of this specialty is opening up new
employment possibilities, particularly in the
United States, where the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002 (for more information see http://www.softlanding.com/sox/docs/sox-faq.pdf
) provides legal incentive to increase ethical
behavior. Some of the job titles in this new
field are: chief compliance officer, general
counsel to vice president of human relations
and various job titles in accounting positions.
Call center personnel handle hotlines, where
the subject can be suspected fraud, sexual harassment,
ethics charges or a manager's behavior. Calls
might take up to two hours before all the facts
can be documented.
Source: Business Ethics
on line
Date: Summer issue, 2005
Author: James C. Hyatt
URL: www.business-ethics.com/current_issue/summer_2005_birth.html
Sustainability - Energy
A River Runs Through It
The Republic of South Korea
has installed the award winning Gorlov Helical
Turbine which is 100 inches long and shaped
much like a screw or egg beater (see illustration
below). It eliminates the need for dams and
the huge costs of construction and flooding
large land areas. Any type of moving water,
canals, open oceans and rivers can be fitted
with a turbine which harnesses kinetic energy.
These turbines are 97% more effective than any
other power source currently used.
Fish appear to swim around
these devices, eliminating also the problems
dams have in destroying natural fish runs and
therein reproduction. This invention is just
one of many to report on these days which can
increase our electricity production without
the use of fossil fuels. The invention is the
brainchild of Alexander Gorlov, Russian born
professor at Northeastern University.
Counter intuitive politics - The U. S. trend
to control energy resources
1. Christians Call for Action Poverty, Environment
2. California Goes Solar
3. Artic Oil Fight Not Over
The National Association
of Evangelicals with 52 fundamental Christian
denominations under them and a total of 30 million
members (Bush supporters) has begun a "Call
for Civil Responsibility". Two papers released
by the group define this responsibility in the
areas of poverty reduction, environmental sustainability,
an end to racism, and focus on human rights
and social justice. The group says that Christians
have a duty to protect the environment by practicing
good stewardship. In another article in the
same publication, Republican Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger presents his plan to fulfill
his campaign promise to utilize solar energy
in the state of California. The plan calls for
1 million new solar roofs by the year 2018.
At the same time, those who want to drill for
oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, with
nearly 200 spices of wildlife are getting close
to getting their wish. The Bush Administration
states that the oil from this region would decrease
dependence on foreign oil.
Those wishing to preserve
the Artic National Wildlife Refuge recommend
calling upon environmentalists to save the area
from drilling. If they could think out of the
box (or counter to intuition), they might enlist
20 million fundamentalist Christians and Gov.
Schwarzenegger to help save the region and the
Porcupine caribou who are central to the culture
and livelihood of the Gwich'in tribe living
in the Refuge!
Source: Yes! A journal
of positive futures
Date: Summer 2005
Author: 1.Doug Pibel, 2. Megan Tady 3. Lisa
More highly educated Africa
Education enrollment ratio
In the period between 1990
and 2001 there has been an increase in the percentage
of children in Africa who are enrolled in primary
school from 58.7% to 71.4%. The greatest jump
in this percentage was in 2000 and 2001.
As the rate of those attending
primary school increases, attendance in higher
education will also increase. In twenty years,
the results should be seen in a more qualified
workforce. It could also impact democracy, birthrates,
and many other issues. Many people are looking
for positive change in Africa and this is clearly
one of them.
Source: UNESCO, International
Institute for Sustainable Development
Date: 2005
URL: www.iisd.org/cgsdi/dashboard.asp
Humankind as a part of nature
Animals and us: Forward to the revolution
Evidence that people in
western countries are looking differently at
their relationship to animals continues to grow.
The European Union is has added a line to its
animal welfare legislation: "A sentient
animal is one for whom feelings matter."
Research into DNA presents scientific evidence
that animals and humans are more alike than
previously believed. A conference in early 2005
called "Compassion in World Farming"
in London would never have seen the light of
day ten years ago. A new discipline called anthrozoology
has been created to study human-animal interactions.
It has its own international society, formed
in 1991, conferences and journal.
There are still many deeply
ingrained ideas and feelings that would have
to change before a truly compassionate relationship
could be developed globally. The trend is well
established in the western world evidenced further
by a growing number of vegetarians in the U.K.
Source: New Scientist
Date: June 4, 2005
Author: Maggie McDonald
URL1: www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg18625025.700
More meaning
Ben & Jerry's and WWF launch climate change
LIFEWORK: Meaningful Careers in the Emerging
Sustainable Society
Ice Cream producers, Ben
& Jerry's, have always had a strong commitment
to society. Their latest adventure is a three
year Climate College which will train 18 young
people - aged 18-25 - to become Climate Change
Ambassadors. Their work around the world will
be supported by Ben and Jerry's and WWF (the
World Wild Life Fund).
It is becoming clearer than
"meaning" is a new trend, in work
and in life. More people are leaving their jobs
to find work that has more value and gives meaning
to their lives. Those who believe in the transition
to a sustainable society are looking at 17 major
sectors where one might find new work that is
important for the planet. Find companies already
working in these areas or develop your own job.
- Developing, marketing, selling or researching
safe, pesticide-free living space and ecosystems
throughout our watershed area and local ocean
Food - working for and promoting healthy
organic food from local farms, backyards or
community gardens
Water - educating or developing methods for
frugal use, water collection and non-toxic recycling
of scarce water.
Air - helping businesses reach high air
quality standards
Shelter - Building, selling and promoting
green housing and furnishings from local sources.
Clothing, textiles - selling and producing
local, non-toxic fabric, clothing and textiles
sewn under "fair trade" conditions
Commerce and trade - networking, promoting
or owing a locally owned and operated business
providing needed goods and services
Travel and transport - developing and
maintaining systems for energy-efficient alternative
transport, commuter trains, bikes, electric
Security - maintaining peace and order
locally with positive external alliances for
mutual benefit Finding and creating local sources
of needed resources before they run out. Developing
awareness and good local preparedness for possible
emergencies due to fire, drought, earthquakes,
climate change, food
Science/technology - Helping people to
understand GM technologies and evaluating food
Energy - developing, selling, installing
and maintaining wind, solar, and other renewables
Family/community/society - networking,
initiating and enacting laws - building and
maintaining strong local connections with everyone
in the community.
Health care - providing, integrative
medicine using the best of traditional and modern
medicine, to all in the community who need it.
Run preventive health care practices and health
maintenance not just "repair."
Dependent care - work with children,
the elderly, companion animals - integrating
children, the aged, the ill, the animals back
into daily community life.
Education - practicing customized learning
where the best in each individual is nurtured
for the benefit of the whole community
Arts, entertainment and communication
- work in the arts, live entertainment, news
gathering. Organizing parades and events of
local interest. Providing global news from reliable
alternative (internet, alternative TV/radio)
Spirit, psyche, culture - work with people
who want to learn mutual respect diverse ways
of connecting with our highest selves and universal
Sources: World Wildlife
Fund, For the Future
Date: April 28, 2005, 2004
Author: Linda Buzzell-Saltzman, M.A., M.F.T.
URL1: www.panda.org/news_facts/newsroom/news.cfm?uNewsID=20152
URL2: hopedance.org/new/issues/50/article3.html
Sustainability - transportation and energy
Revolution för elbilar (Revolution for
electric cars)
In 2006, Toshiba plans
to have a battery on the market that can be
recharged in just 10 minutes. The technology
makes use of nano-technology to engineer particles
less than 100 nanometers. They can store vast
amounts of lithium ions and suffer no deterioration
to their electrodes. The battery is slim and
small, useful in hybrid and electric cars.
The three reasons that electric
cars have not had larger success has to do with
the batteries being too heavy, shorter driving
distances, long charging times and expense of
electricity. This battery seems to solve all
those problems.
Source: GöteborgsPosten,
The Register
Date: April 18, 2004, March 29, 2005
Author: Stephan Lövgren ,Tony Smith
URL 1: www.gp.se/gp/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?d=882&a=211517
URL 2: www.theregister.co.uk/2005/03/29/toshiba_li-ion_battery/
Mobilization to end extreme poverty
The End of Poverty
Blair wins Putin's support on African debt relief
In September of 2000 under
the umbrella of the United Nations one-hundred
and forty seven heads of state came to UN's
New York headquarters. It was the beginning
of the new millennium and more leaders than
had ever gathered before, set a group of goals
with specific targets to end extreme poverty,
disease, and environmental degradation. The
result of their work was The Millennium Development
Goals; eight of them, each with its own deadline
and targets. See trend Fighting the hegemonic
Just as with other global
treaties and agreements, there is no guarantee
that the goals will be met, but the fact that
such a document came to fruition is a huge step.
It is a step toward bringing all those who believe
in ending extreme poverty nearer to a critical
mass which will have the power to change the
downward spiraling trend. Jeffrey Sacks tells
how the work of the UN was reorganized to give
priority to the goals. It brought experts from
different areas in order to better work toward
the fulfillment of each goal and its targets.
In order to see just what these goals and targets
are look at www.un.org/millenniumgoals/.
Source: The End of Poverty
Date: 2005
Author: Jeffrey Sacks, Ed Johnson
Publisher: The Penguin Press
Small production organics to big business
- values change
Organic FUTURES - organic food industry -
Industry Overview
Large food corporations
are on to organic products. Interest has grown
over the years and big business wants in on
the profits. We know that innovations don't
usually come from the larger companies, but
from the smaller ones who are more liable to
take risks. Once the way to profits is clear,
they buy upp the pioneer producers.
In the late 2001 organics
accounted for 2% of all foods sold. Large companies
have the potential to bring that to 10%. Given
the drives against obesity and sugar usage 10%
is a consertative estimate. As the price goes
down, consumers who wanted organics all along
but were forced to price shop will also force
up the statistics. Organic foods are a growing
trend. What could stop the trend is the fact
that large corporations "don't necessarily believe
in the organics philosophy. This may have the
effect of reducing the quality of organic food,
cause demonstrations and legal actions against
corporations, slowing the purchace of organic
foods produced by corporations.
Source: Vegetarian Times
Date: March, 2001
Author: Mark Harris
URL: www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0820/is_2001_March/ai_71250094
Low-power radio growth
¡Presente! A radio station barn raising
Have you heard of license
exempt free radio bands? They are short-range
frequencies set aside by governments. These
frequencies are controlled and allocated by
governments without the usual expense of licensing.
They generally have a power output of 10mW and
are tightly controlled in terms of frequency
accuracy, power output and false emissions.
Short range devices aren't just used in Europe,
but are found in South Africa, Australia and
New Zealand. The frequency allocations vary,
with Pan European using the same frequency range.
Other areas use slightly different ranges; South
Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea
and China all have short range radio (around
3.5 American miles in range). The rules governing
Short Range Devices have been changing in recent
years. Europe has been harmonization regulations
between countries. The USA has also just rethought
their regulations. In order to place a product
on the market, the market must demonstrate that
they comply with the technical regulations.
In Europe this means compliance with the R&TTE
Anyone can start a low power
station from their home with a small investment
in equipment, which is being constantly refined.
What is low-power being used for?
Many are sending their own music programs without
commercials. The following organizations in
the United States are using them to offer diverse
viewpoints to the public, Alternet, Democracy
Now!, Free Speech TV. Two thousand five hundred
Latino, Haitians, and Mayan Indians who work
on farms in Florida, USA were helped to develop
a radio station by the Prometheus Radio Project.
The aim was to help them fight for wages and
working conditions. With threatened governmental
support of alternative radio and TV in the USA
these low-power bands increase in importance
Source: Low Power Radio
Solutions, Yes! Magazine
Author: Hannah Sassaman
Date: May 2005, Spring 2005
URL: www.lprs.co.uk/
Growth of community among urban poor
Halving hunger: it can be done
The world population is
mostly urban, with more people living in cities
than in the countryside. Slum dwelling is dominant.
UN projections suggest that over the next 30
years virtually all of the world's population
growth will occur in the urban areas of low-
and middle-income countries.
There are good things happening!
Federations are formed uniting slum dwellers.
They build community and facilitate local responsibility.
Federations are at work in Cambodia, Thailand,
India, Namibia, the Philippines, and Zimbabwe.
Each has their own character and emphasis, but
all have savings and credit groups, innovate
and refine their programs, conduct surveys and
mappings in order to assess their situations,
construct model housing, and exchange information
with other federations.
Source: UN Millennium Project,
Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers 2005
Date: 2005
Author: Piatro Garau, Elliott D. Sclar, Garriella
Y. Carolini
URL: www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Slumdwellers-complete.pdf
Fighting the hegemonic power
Democracy Now!
The list of countries refusing
to repay their international loans is growing.
We reported earlier that Argentina had refused
to repay their bond debt and now there is a
series of countries in South America that are
refusing to repay their loans. They are told
to privatize their natural national recourses
as repayment, and often that repayment is in
oil. Those who purchase these resources are
large American corporations. Those "dissident"
leaders and their countries have stood up to
the United States, the IMF and World Bank. The
first to take this stand was Omar Herrera Torrijos,
popular president of Panama (assassinated in
a plane crash by explosives) followed by, Hugo
Chavez in Venezuela, Alfredo Palacio in Equator,
Lula Da Silva in Brazil, Nestor Kirchner in
Argentina with Uruguay, Bolivia and possibly
Mexico following.
Linked to this resistance
to hegemonic power is a trend of wins by popular
progressive movements, in many South American
countries including Ecuador. These actions against
paying loans have resulted in the cancellation
of the huge debt of $40 billion. At the recent
meeting of the G-8, all debt of 18 countries,
many of them in sub-Saharan Africa have been
wiped out. The money was owed to the World Bank,
the International Monetary Fund and the African
Development Bank.
Source: Confessions of
an Economic Hit Man, Democracy Now!,
Associated Press
Date: May 18, 2005, June 14, 2005
Author: John Perkins, Amy Goodman, Ed Johnson
URL1: www.democracynow.org/
URL2: www.boston.com/news/world/europe/articles/2005/06/14/
Humanizing prison
Prisoners trained to care for animals
Dog houses in the Big House
Bedford Hills Correctional
Facility, a maximum-security prison for women
in NY was the first to train prisoners to socialize
the puppies that would eventually be trained
as guide dogs for the handicapped or for bomb
detection. The first project of "Puppies Behind
Bars" began in November 1997 and has grown to
work in five correctional facilities which raise
fifty puppies. Another successful program is
called Cell Dogs. It has been documented by
Discovery Channel. It raises service dogs and
family pets from strays found at animal shelters.
These programs have resulted
in better relationships between prisoners, guards
and the rest of the prison as dogs follow their
trainers to all their activities, chapel, the
laundry room and drug treatment programs. It
is reported that inmates are taking responsibility
for the first time in their lives; they learn
patience and how to show feelings. In their
role as "parents" they gain the parenting
skills of love and discipline. Prisoners feel
they are giving back to society in a better
way than just serving their sentence. Programs
can be found in both male and female prisons.
Even horses are trained by prisoners with the
same good results. Wild mustangs of Nevada are
being trained and their trainers, many of which
have never held a job learn hard-work, dependability
and honesty.
Sources: Puppies Behind
Bars, Corrections Corporation, Bureau of Land
Management, Nevada
Date: April 7, 2005, July 14, 2003
URL1: www.puppiesbehindbars.com/overview.htm
URL2: www.correctionscorp.com/whatsnew.html
URL3: www.nv.blm.gov/news_releases/Text_Only_Files/TO_03/
Learning from nature
New Software Allows UAVs To Team Up For Virtual
It is still a while off,
but testing is being done on software which
allows unmanned airborne vehicles, called UAV's
(uninhabited aerial vehicles) to fly in formation
just like birds. The idea is that these vehicles
communicate with each other similar to the way
birds keep their formation without crashing
into obstacles while still reach their goal.
The technology will facilitate airborne monitoring
and surveillance of natural disasters, such
as fires. It is also thought to be useful for
atmospheric sampling. Just like the birds they
imitate, the vehicles have the ability "to
avoid obstacles in a cooperative and synchronized
The imagination can take
this technology much further. Other innovations
in the software, using "waypoints"
on a grid developed individual flight plans,
gave one new instructions to orbit over a virtual
fire and giving that vehicles instructions to
another vehicle in the "flock". At
this time the "flock" is only two
vehicles. In the future, UAV's could be flown
stacked in a vertical column. The idea is to
collect air samples at different elevations.
One could also imagine that a larger "flock"
could fly together, only breaking formation
to join another flock on the way to the airport
where they will safely land having avoided air
collisions and making better use of air space.
Source: NASA
Date: March 17, 2005
Author: Elvia H. Thompson and Alan Brown
URL: www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2005/mar/HQ_05078_UAV_Software.html
Sustainability - Aircraft propulsion fuels
Systems Analysis Initiated for All-Electric
Aircraft Propulsion
Research is just beginning
on electric aircraft propulsion. It unites three
trends: that of increased use of systems analysis,
increasing interest in ecological solutions
and growing interest in fuel cell development.
Another part of the research
will look at the "integration of fuel cell
propulsion systems into aircraft and provide
a better understanding of the interaction between
system components and the resulting effect on
the overall design and performance of the aircraft".
Source: NASA
Date: February 20, 2005
Author: Lisa L. Kohout
URL: www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/RT2002/5000/5420kohout.html
Increasing confusion for food consumers
Food Wars: The global Battle for Mouths, Minds,
and Markets
The authors of this book
feel there is currently a food policy in crises.
The authors define three paradigms that exist
simultaneously and illustrate the confusion.
Three paradigms are 1. The Productionist Paradigm
- grew out of the industrial revolution and
has reigned over the last 200 years. It is based
upon market economic goals for productivity
and, to that end, uses advances in chemical
transport and agricultural technologies to meet
its goals.
2. The Life Sciences Integrated Paradigm - sees
food as similar to drugs which enable people
to be healthier. It uses biotechnical technologies
(such as genetic manipulations) and has its
base in mechanistic and medical thinking. 3.
The Ecologically Integrated Paradigm: a blend
of modern ecological principles, traditional
knowledge and a selective biotechnology
Food is truly in the spotlight
now more than ever before. It is not only about
cooking shows and cook books, but the quality
of the ingredients and their impact on our health.
Food manufactures are in a war to capture our
attention and our money. Our criterion for food
purchases is changing, we look for the cheapest,
freshest, the trendiest food we can find. We
also look for foods with the least fat, the
least sugar and foods that suit our special
situations. Allergies to milk, nuts and a growing
variety of foods also guide our purchases. Some
of us buy a product because the quality is assured
by organic growth or because it takes very little
preparation. Others of us buy because those
who actually produce the food are not being
exploited. Some of us buy what tastes good or
what the kids will eat. Who will win the war
for our food budget?
Source: Book Food Wars
Date: April 30, 2004
Author: Tim Lang and Michael Heasman
URL: www.word-power.co.uk/catalogue/1853837024
The shift from industrial to service society
in American trade Unions
The Decline of US Labor Unions and the Role
of Trade
Trends in National and Regional Unionization
Rates and in Union versus Nonunion Wages
Statistics from 1977 to
1999 show an increase in unionization of public
sector jobs over private sector jobs. Public
sector jobs are largly in service area (health
care and education) while private sector jobs
are examplified by manufactoring or construction
jobs. At the same time that unions are less
prominate among construction workers, there
is a growing need for skilled workers. Statistics
that reach to 2002 validate that the trend continues.
While some agree that this
change is related to the increase of service
jobs, there can be other reasons as well. The
very nature of jobs is changing from manual
labor to knowledge intensive jobs, workers feel
less need to join a larger group to fight for
their rights. Many service jobs, cleaning, maintainence
gardening etc. are low-paid and require low
skills. The current move to new liberal economics
limits general support for unions in any sector.
In such a culture, individuals are expected
to fight their own battles.
Source: Institute for International
Economics, Book: The Decline of US Labor Unions
and the Role of Trade
Author: Robert E. Baldwin
Date: May 2003
URL1: www.iie.com/publications/chapters_preview/352/2iie3411.pdf
URL3: www.iie.com/publications/chapters_preview/352/2iie3411.pdf
Increase notice of psychological/psychological
"protest" illnesses
Staying In and Tuning Out
Japanese youth, called
hikikomori, people who withdraw, number as many
as 1 million. Symptoms are: refusal to leave
their bedrooms, angst, depression and withdrawal.
While withdrawal is not unusual for teens in
other countries, it is more widespread in Japan.
The culture encourages people to be the same
and if one isn't the shame drives the individual
to pull away from the society that shuns them.
For a number of years Sweden
has been dealing with the apathetic children
of asylum seekers. They currently number 150,
but the numbers are reported as conservative
and are increasing. Apathetic children are in
or on their way to a coma like state of psychological
paralysis, they do not respond to outside stimulus,
eat or toilet themselves. The thing they have
in common is that all of their families are
and have been waiting for many years for a positive
decision to be able to stay in the country.
Some families have gone underground
The above situations involve
some kind of withdrawal from society, they both
involve children or youth and they both are
reactions to the cultural situations within
which they find themselves. These dramatic responses
to cultural pressures are not necessarily increasing,
but notice of them is increasing with the spreading
of modern media. Another Swedish example, where
predominately women, often working in the public
sector, become so ill that they must take a
long- term sick leave, a type of physiological
withdrawal stimulated by the changing values
in Sweden during the last 20 years from a social
economy to a market economy.
Source: CNN.com, Swedish
Network of Asylum and Refugee Seekers
Date: April 7, 2005
Author: Tim Larimer, FARR
URL1: cgi.cnn.com/ASIANOW/time/features/ontheroad/japan.otaku.html
URL2: www.farr.se/asylnytt/sweden.html
Increased interest in changing jobs and lifestyles
Take Two
A radio series in the USA
profiles people who made a change from one type
of another. Recently a television program in
Sweden had the same goal. Some examples are:
from Aquarium curator to opening a coffee roasting
company, from secretary to property manager,
from military officer to cook, accounting to
belly dancing, from ethnobiologist to librarian
and from speech therapist to grocery bagger.
There appears to be a trend
toward changing from one job to a completely
different job. The motivation of many is job
changes that might give them a better life.
People have many interests and when a career
starts to loose its appeal or stops providing
meaning, people switch. Both programs reported
these changes as highly positive. Many times
they mean less income to the individual, but
higher quality of life. Are more people reaching
the top of Maslow's needs hierarchy?
Source: National Public
Radio, NPR, Morning Edition
Date: February 3, 2005 to March 23, 2005
Author: Ketzel Levine
URL1: www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4240811
URL2: www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4484921
The trend toward sustainable economy
Holy Grail Found
Living wages aren't important to people who
don't have to live with them
The discussion about whether
corporate social responsibility (CSR) inhibits
or encourages profits now has so much evidence
in it's favor that it is well on it's way to
acceptance by the masses. The first of two meta-
studies show "a statistically significant
association between corporate social performance
and financial performance exists". This
performance ranges on a scale from "highly
positive to modestly positive". A meta-
study looks at many different studies over time
(in this case, 52 studies over 30 years).
The second study looked
at 60 studies completed in a six-year period.
Eighty-five percent showed a "positive
correlation between environmental management
and financial performance". Actors in the
United States, the UK and Australia carried
out these studies.
There are those that still
hold on to the belief that social and ecological
considerations draw from performance and negatively
affect investor returns. They are a shrinking
group. Costco Wholesale Corp. pays its employees
well. It encourages union affiliation and offers
health care while making a good profit. A retailing
analyst from Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. thinks
that "From the perspective of investors,
Costco's benefits are overly generous",
"Public companies need to care for shareholders
Source: Common Dreams Newsletter,
Prometheus6 (Blogg)
Date: Winter 2004, March 26, 2004
Author: Marjorie Kelly. Ann Zimmerman, Wall
Street Journal
URL1: www.businessethics.com/current_issue/winter
URL2: www.prometheus6.org/node/3832
Alienated young men
Women continue to outplace men in graduation
in College
Females dominate males
in colleges by two to one. Special activities
to have been developed to recruit boys to the
university. In classes, the guys are hesitant
to speak up, they aren't heard. The University
of California at San Diego's freshman class
is 57% females and at San Diego State females
make up 59% of the student population. Nationwide
200.000 women earned more bachelor degrees than
men did. More jobs require college degrees and
the message is not getting out to boys.
A similar situation exists
in Sweden.
Source: Weekend Edition
Date: January 23, 2005
URL: www.npr.org/templates/topics/topic.php?topicId=1001
Increase of wearable technology
Wearable Computers You Can Slip Into
Building computers into
clothing for work and every day life has been
mentioned before. Now production is expected
to reach markets in two to three years. The
first is a "purse" made of cloth with
tiny computer chips embedded in it. Velcro is
used to hold it together due to its capacity
to conduct electricity. It looks and feels like
any leather bag. This purse can keep track of
your wallet and reminded you if it is missing,
check the weather report and in case of rain
suggest you take an umbrella or in case of sun,
sun glasses. If you want to hear music on your
way to work, your favorite songs can be loaded
into your scarf.
Contributing to these advances
are Aracon, made of Kevlar, that is extra strong,
can conduct electricity, and can be woven into
ordinary-looking clothes. A new packaging makes
it possible to wash the chips with the dirtiest
of clothes. Currently on the market are items
for other uses as well, a band worn on the arm
collects data on the physical state of the user.
It is already on the market and sales are expected
to double in 2005.The band can be used in dieting
and is being sold through fitness firms.
Source: Business Week Online
Date: March 8, 2005
Author: Olga Kharif
URL: www.businessweek.com/technology/
Paradigm change from linear thinking to systems
Bringing System Dynamics To A School Near
Systems theory has been
taught for a while in natural science in colleges
and universities. Here is evidence that curriculum
has been developed to teach small children systems
thinking. It is not being presented as a separate
subject, but is used integrated into kindergarten
through high school subjects. The specific tools
being used are: time graphs to find patterns,
causal loop diagrams to focus discussions on
unintended consequences and stock/flow diagrams
to understand population dynamics.
Systems theory or systems
dynamics helps students to understand the relative
nature of life, and gives them tools for handling
what those of us brought up in the linear paradigm
regard as chaos. These new students will be
able to appreciate the various systems that
appear chaotic and have a better understanding
of change. They can have hope in a new way,
because they will learn that chaos is followed
by order. They will also be less frightened
of change and know that chaos is a part of the
natural order of life. They will learn how to
mitigate the ravages of chaos by making incremental
changes, like learning how to say "sorry"
in the playground before a student becomes so
angry that he or she only wants violent revenge.
Additional sources of information are: The parent
site is about System Dynamics in Education managed
by MIT. There are downloadable papers and curricula.
The Waters foundation has a website focused
on Systems thinking and modeling for k-12 www.watersfoundation.org/
Some on line simulators with student performance
monitoring. (Not Free) www.forio.com/simulations.htm
For those interested the next International
System Dynamics Society conference will be held
in Boston, July, 17 - 21, 2005.
Source: Lloyd Walker (all
URL's), International System Dynamics Society
Date: August 2000
Author: Debra A. Lyneis
URL: www.clexchange.org/ftp/documents/Implementation/IM2000-
Tax structures slow move toward sustainable
Tracking State Environmental Tax Developments
Despite the lack of participation
by the current American government in environmental
issues, a survey of state tax policies by J.
Andrew Hoerner, Harnessing the Tax Code for
Environmental Protection: A Survey of State
Initiatives found 462 environmentally motivated
tax provisions were already in place at the
state level as early as 1998. It was difficult
to find an update on this report.
OECD and the European Union
have combined their databases when it comes
to tax instruments used in environmental policy.
Some of the areas that are being taxed are for;
air pollution, discharge of waste water, ozone
depleting substances, excise on mineral oils,
recycling and waste management, electricity,
motor vehicles and registration, battery fees,
nuclear waste,
hunting fees and scraped car fees. While the
details are not news to many, the use of taxation
as a tool to reach sustainability should not
be underestimated .
Source: Redefining Progress,
European Environmental Agency and OECD
Date: April 5, 2005
URL1: www.rprogress.org/newprograms/sustEcon/stateprog.shtml
URL2: www2.oecd.org/ecoinst/queries/index.htm
Growth of niche banking
Banking Entrepreneur takes Hispanic bank idea
to public
Native American bankers targeting N.Y. tribes
A bank that would target
the Hispanic population is under development
in Washington D.C. Two financial institutions
already exist in the area that serves the African-American
community. Federal Reserve Bank records show
that other banks serve the Indian-American community
and women. Another article reports on a commitment
to bank building within the Native American
community in the area east of the Mississippi.
The goal is to increase the number of banks
from today's 20 to 35 in every region of the
Reasons for the increased
interest in community banking for Native Americans
include: tribal economic development successes,
diversity in the types of businesses, accumulation
of sufficient capital and experience for bank
development and in a wide variety of business
endeavors. Interest in banking services for
Native Americans could not occur without a potential
customer base. J.D. Colbert, North American
Native Bankers Association president says "
there has been the creation of some semblance
of middle class in Indian country over the last
30 years, particularly in the last 15 years".
Source: Nubank
Date: June 14, 2004
Author: Tim Mazzucca, Thomas Hartley
URL1: www.nubank.com/stories/06-17-04_hispanic-idea/index.html
URL2: www.nubank.com/stories/08-16-04_native_ny_tribes/index.html
Food moving from industrial society to knowledge
Sign Jamie Oliver's petition and start a revolution
in your dinner hall
A number of things are
happening in relation to taking food out of
the industrial revolution and into the knowledge
society. The factory made foods that took apart
raw products and fabricated something new, lacking
in nutrition and freshness and being pushed
out for foods chosen with knowledge of their
nutrition properties. In England, well known
Cook, Jamie Oliver started a "feed me better"
campaign. As a result the Labour party has written
a campaign document with a "children's
policy" that includes" a commitment
to raise the nutritional standard of school
meals with a major programme of investment in
new and renewed kitchen facilities and equipment
and in the skills of Britain's 'dinner ladies'
and catering staff." In Sweden, food in
local restaurants has been found to make to
give every fifth patron food poisoning. They
study which produced those figured motivated
the government to assignment the National Food
Administration the task of analyzing the competence
of those who work in local restaurants and come
with a suggestion for the obligatory knowledge
for hygienic food handling. Denmark and Finland
currently require courses for food handlers.
The discussion about healthier
food is reaching the food production industry
which is trend sensative. A company reports,
in a news releace that they are now putting
a whole-grain soy flour on the market. Food
production is moving into the local arena nearer
to where it is consumed. Instead of pre- packaged
foods prepared in central kitchens, more people
will have to have the knowledge to prepare fresh
and healthy foods at home and local eating establishments.
According to food trend experts the future will
bring a tighter relationship between nutritionists
and grocery stores. Local supermarkets will
become places of learning through brochures
and information on food preparation, health
and food contents in various media forms.
Source: MGTV, P1 Swedish
Radio, Menu
Date: March 31, 2005
Author: MGTV
Program Leader: Sven Ekberg
URL1: www.gm.tv/index.cfm?articleid=13736
URL2: www.sr.se/cgi-bin/P1/program/index.asp?programID=950&nyheter=
URL3: www.foodprocessing.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?
URL4: www.opta-food.com/trends/2trends.html#karmata
Students drive school system change
A drug kids take in search of better grades
The medication Adderall, most widely used
to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD) is being used to help
college students focus on homework, or to cram for an exam. Adderall
is an amphetamine prescribed to treat ADD/ADHD. Regular users
of Adderall can develop a dependency and use it to get through
the day. Current usage extends to increasing numbers of high school
and college students across the United States. The consequences
of use vary from school to school. Since there are a growing number
of children legally prescribed this medicine, the inhibition against
taking it when one is older is weak. Reinforcing further the use
of the Adderall is the fact that they are taking it for "a
good cause", one that is totally enforced and reinforced
by all aspects of society.
When the school system does not change to meet
the needs of children, and the rest of the world prioritizes education
as the road, not just to success, but to survival, then change
in the system has to come from somewhere else in the system. Now
the children themselves are driving the change by using medication
to increase their ability to succeed in school. The question,
what are the possible consequences of such a change, especially
as the trend grows. Which possible scenarios do we need to look
at now in order to lower the chance that largely negative scenarios
will become reality?
Source: The Christian Scientist Monitor
Date: November 30, 2004
Author: Rebecca L. Weber
URL: www.csmonitor.com/2004/1130/p11s02-legn.html?s=u1
The need to balance current conservative political thinking
Sweet Sounds Of Love: Lullabies From The Axis Of Evil
Norwegian Producer, Erik Hillestad has made
a recording of lullabies from all of the countries listed on Bushes
Axis of Evil. Local talent sang the songs.
For those of us who believe that "others",
who do not behave or believe as we do are immoral and therefore
evil, there is an equal number who believe that "others"
are our equals with needs (love, care, knowledge, insight). Erik
Hilestad 's work is a reminder of the fact that there is balance
and order in the chaos we experience. It is also a reminder that
trends are expressions of a change in a system and these changes
have positive and negative attributes that drive more change.
Source: Pi2N (Music Industry News Network)
Date: January 20, 2005
URL: mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=75780
The need to understand current conservative political thinking
Is God in our Genes?
The Political Brain
Moral Politics, How Liberals and Conservatives Think
Sign 1. "Which came first, God or the
need for God?" Has belief in a higher being become a part
of our genetic system through evolution? The authors present genetic
studies for spirituality and conclude that if there is a gene
for spirituality, there is not only one. Environmental factors
like organized religion also play a large role.
Sign 2. This is one of a number of articles reporting on an study
by a team of UCLA scientists of neural activity of Republicans
and Democrats when watching political advertisements. MRI scanning
showed different responses. The interpretations of those responses
are not yet conclusive, but searching a couple of ways on the
internet shows a high level of interest in this unfinished research
in the form of many articles, with slightly different conclusions,
by different authors.
Sign 3. A linguist, the author looks at metaphorical usage and
through it defines two poles of moral code that guide our lives,
political beliefs and behaviors. Lakoff is careful to mention
that there are many versions of these two codes. The one is The
Strict Father Morality and the other is Nuturant Parent Morality.
The last four years of extreme conservative
government in the United States have left liberals with a series
of question marks. The need to understand appears to be pressing.
The contents of the recent inaugural address by President Bush
appear to have increased the strength and conviction to understand
how he and his sympathizers think. At the same time, MRI and other
brain scanning methods allow us to look into the brain and try
to understand how use of the different parts of the brain reflects
in our values, beliefs and actions. Note: This Sign of the Times
and the one just above reflect very similar trends. They took
on extra weight due to personal scanning that is more difficult
to document. After the 2004 presidential election I experienced;
comments of depression, concern and fear by friends and family,
reactions of anger, labeling people and actions as "crazy", and
a search for examples of liberal solutions from alternative radio
and press, and angry and searching debates by two on-line discussion
groups of futurists.
Source: 1. Time Magazine, 2. The New York
Times Magazine 3. Moral Politics
Date: 1. November 29, 2004, 2. August 22, 2004, 3. 1996
Author: 1. Jeff Chu, Broward Liston, Maggie Sieger, Daniel Williams
2. Steven Johnson, 3. George Lakoff
Growing resistance to loss of social benefits in change to Market
The impact of Russian pensioners' demonstrations
Strikes disrupt French rail services, hospitals
Bolivian Province Seeks Greater Autonomy
Sign 1. Demonstrating pensioners protested
the loss of as free public transport and free basic medicine for
the elderly and disabled. In compensation, they expected a monthly
financial compensation of between 750 rupees and 1 000 rupees,
but instead they got 200. Economists and investors see pension
plan decreases as a necessary step in Russia's economic overhaul.
Sign 2. Leary of economic cutbacks by the
current conservative government and experience in changes in pension
plans last year, French doctors, post office workers, railway
employees, teachers, telecommunications and energy workers plan
a week long strike. Their goal is to slow down reforms in the
welfare system, public sector and labor laws.
Sign 3. In Bolivia, the City of Santa Cruz
contributes one third of the country's gross domestic product
and contributes much of Bolivia's tax revenue say the city's business
and political leaders. Because of that, they are fighting with
the controlling Indian majority. In La Paz there are consistent
protests over free-market economic policies. Leaders in Santa
Cruz claim the fight against free-market policies have scared
off potential investors.
This is not a new trend for most of us. The
idea that a country is responsible for the welfare of its citizens
is not very old in the scope of things. However, the social benefit
trend is well entrenched and is pushing the older free market
trend which pushes back. We also have to remember that trend of
movement from an unsustainable to a sustainable environmental
situation is taking place and that supports the welfare rights
Source: 1. Business Report, 2. SFDate.com,
3. Yahoo News.com
Date: 1. January 18, 2005. 2. January 19, 2005. 3. January 26,
Author: 1. Christopher Boian, 2. John Leicester, 3. Kevin Gray,
Associated Press Writer
URL2:story.parisguardian.com/p.x/ct/9/id/2777360d66ff42a2/cid/ fab36d240e1883d4/
Decrease in China's population, increase in gender gap
China Confronts Its Daunting Gender Gap
It took the Chinese 30 years to get their
birth rate down. Due to lack of a social welfare net, boys have
been preferred. The results if the latest official figures show
40 million more men than women in the population. The government
understands this is a problem and is beginning to enforce policies
against abortion and death of female fetuses and babies. There
is some question that a crackdown will have negative effects such
as underground and dangerous abortions. The good news is that
the birth rate is coming down naturally in cities as more young
women get into the labor market. Those who are only children and
live in urban areas are allowed to have two children as a way
to help keep the population in balance.
The result of China's attempt to get birth
rates down has been the creation of a potentially large group
of bachelors. Trafficking of women and children is rising, as
men do not want to grow old without a spouse.
Source: LATimes.com
Date: January 21, 2005
Author: Ching-Ching Ni
URL: www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/ la-fg-babies21jan21,1,4968332.story?coll= la-headlines-world&ctrack=2&cset=true
Improvement in mental health
WHO (World Health Organization) has put together evidence that mental health can be improved. Some of the recommended interventions are: school-based psychosocial programs directed to decreased prevalence of conduct and substance abuse disorders, timely social and economic support which prevents mental and psychological problems among communities exposed to conflicts and disasters. In addition, they recommend early identification of serious mental disorders, improving nutrition, enhancing access to education, paying attention to the quality of the environment and housing, and strengthening community networks.
Mental Health is one of humankind's most difficult
problems. One in every four people are affected. The solutions
are not new, but it takes time to integrate them into existing
systems. The studies are in and the evidence is that they work
exists. The question for scenario planning is what is the integration
time for these interventions that is, how long before the results
start to show in the form of improved mental health statistics.
Source: World Health Organization
Date: September 16, 2004
URL: www.who.int/mental_health/evidence/en/news1_who.pdf
Alternative energy growth (update)
Sign 1. Renewable Energy in Europe:
Building Markets and Capacity
Sign 2. Mainstreaming Renewable Energy
in the 21st Century
Sign 3. Report: Global Warming at Critical
Europe has had renewable energy goals since
1991 wherein rewabel evergy was 4% of of all energy consumed.
In 1997, the goal was set to 12% for the year 2010. Current projections
are 20% by 2020. This represents a conscious effort using strategies
and action plans to facilitate growth. Wind and solar power are
growing faster than any of the other alternatives. Wind power
has grown most of all. Growth is excellerating for wind and solar
power, which have grown more in the last five years than in the
preceeding five. This growth is centered in six countries. Together
Denmark, Germany, India, Japan, Spain and the US use 80% of this
new capacity. Japan and Germany are the most successful. In all
cases, it is policies of governments that make this growth possible.
The Institute for Public Policy Research in
Britain, the Center for American Progress in the United States
and the Australia Institute published a report by a task force
made up of senior politicians, scientists and business figures.
It formed last March. They are in the process of getting G-8 countries,
to raise their use of renewable energy to 25% by the year 2025
in order to avoid the time when widespread drought, crop failure
and rising sea levels will be unavoidable. The G8 are world's
most important industrialized countries and is made up of the
United States, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and
Source: 1. European Renewable Energy Council,
2. World Watch Institute, 3. Yahoo News
Date: 1. May 2004. 2. January 25, 3. 2005
Publisher: 1. London: James & James. 2. World Watch Paper
Author: 3. Ed Johnson, Associated Press Writer
URL3: story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid= 624&ncid=624&e=3&u=/ap/20050125/ ap_on_sc/britain_climate_change
Women's liberation continues
Despite Restrictions Saudi Women Making Strides
A factory for women's underclothes has opened
in Jedda, Saudi Arabia and the workers are all women. They sit
in their black Abia's with only their eyes showing. They are some
of the few women employed in a country where women cannot leave
home without their abia, cannot drive, socialize with men, travel
without a family members permission or vote in the first ever
elections next year. The man who built the factory has provided
childcare for his workers and recruited from the poorest citizens.
At the same time, 58% of all college graduates are women although
only 5% are in the workforce. New jobs are opening up in hospitals,
banks, training and universities. There is even a private college,
training women in science and engineering.
The driving factors mentioned are a lowered
economy in Saudi Arabia and a population explosion. Some young
men are actively seeking wives who have jobs as they realize that
two incomes are and will be needed to provide for a family. Some
scenarios of the middle east show that peace will not come from
male war or diplomacy, but from liberated women who will find
their counterparts in other Middle Eastern countries bring together
Arab lands as well as Arabs and Israeli's.
Source: NPR News (Internet Edition)
Date: November 4, 2004
Author: Deborah Amos
URL: www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?
Aging population
"Hälften av Europas barn kommer att bli 100 år",
(Half European Children Will Live to be 100 years old)
Currently there are just as many people under
15 years old in Europe as there are over 65. In 2050 prognosis
say that older folks will out number children 2 and ½ times.
2050 is the peak year when the last of the retirements take place
of those born in great numbers after the Second World War. When
those now 36 years old and over are all retired there will be
one young child to every 2 and ½ mature adults. Driving
this trend is increased life spans and lowered birth rates.
If we believe that the population should grow,
then two children need to be born to replace one adult. Currently
there are 1,2 -1.6 (it differs from land to land) children now
being born in Europe. If we believe that we have passed the carrying
capacity of the earth, (more people than the earth can provide
for given current western standards), then this is a good thing
and that population figures hopefully, will stabilize at a lower
rate after 2050. It will be hard for an economy that is very dependent
on growth to adjust to this situation.
Source: Göteborgs- Posten
Date: October 31, 2004
Authors: Ragnhild Berglund
From lawyers in politics to businessmen in politics
Executive Assistance
Traditionally most politicians in the United
States have a background in law (the exception being entertainers!).
A new trend is the entrance into politics of businesspersons.
However one describes the split in American politics, red- blue,
liberal- conservative or Democrat and Republican, voters are going
over these borders to elect candidates with business background.
The trend actually started in the 2002 election. They are mostly
CEO's. They think their management, economic development, finance,
economy and efficiency skills transfer to the running of a State
and national governments. They invest large amounts of their own
money (Remember H. Ross Perot who ran for president?).
Candidates with business background are attractive
to traditional parties and to voters. They point out their financial
abilities and management expertise they experience lacking in
other politicians. Current financial concerns could be a driver
of this trend. Parties can play on CEO's business successes. The
candidates themselves seem to show a little distain for bureaucrats
and a desire to bring some new thinking into the governorship,
a position most of them have aspired to
Source: The Atlantic Monthly p.60 - 65
Date: December 2004
Author: Alexandria Starr
Military innovation needs met in the market economy
Army announces venture capital initiative - In The News
CIA Venture-Capital Firm In Silicon Valley
A new and revised version of the old military
industrial complex is returning. Reports going back to 2002 relate
how both the CIA and the United States Army are investing in new
technologies that could play key roles in national defense and
intelligence gathering as well as well as llighter, more efficient
power sources for individual soldier systems.
The CIA has formed its own venture capital
firm called In-Q-Tel. They identify companies developing products,
for example those which could be of use in tracking and sorting
information across languages. The companies then become partners
as the CIA or Army make large investments in that firm.
Source: Looksmart findarticles , found originally
in Program Manager and ExtremeTech
Date: April, 2002, June 15, 2003
Author: Charlie Gulac, Sebastian Rupley
Inadvertent ecological behavior
Energy Prices Altering Consumer Lifestyles
Since the turn of the century, Americans
have been moving back to city centers. They are tired of the traffic
and the long commutes to work. In a survey, those people who planned
to buy a home in the next three years, 87 percent were looking
for a shorter commute. They are willing to give up the larger
lots and bigger houses in order to eliminate the commutes. In
exchange, those with money are buying better appliances that produce
less noise and use less water.
Since Americans are the biggest users of energy
and the government is not actively interested in the environment,
one has to look to the habits of individuals to see how committed
the citizens are. According to this article, it is the traffic
and long commutes, which are the motivator of an environmental
lifestyle. Those with money prefer environmental appliances, which
mean that they might be more accessible to those with less money
in the near future.
Source: The Washington Times via American
International Auto Dealers
Date: December 6, 2004
URL: www.aiada.org/article.asp?id=29183
Small business leads job creation while big business still sets
the standards
Familjeföretag skapar mest tillväxt (Family Companies
create the most growth)
Små IT-företag stod för jobben 1993- 1998 (Small
IT-companies accounted for new jobs in 1993 - 1998)
Small and medium sized businesses, SME's,
account for the majority of new jobs created around the world.
When asked where new jobs are created, a number of futurists from
all over the world responded. This is what they said:
Almost 99.6% of the job creation comes from
SME's, which employ 69.9% of the labor force and contributes 32%
to the economy. While no figures are collected on women owned
SME's the Philippine government has a program giving more access
to women entrepreneurs. Michael Guanco, Philippines
Employment in the "Limousin" region of France
rose by 21,8%, between 1994 and 2001. The largest growth was in
firms of less than 10 employees. The most new jobs were in the
crafts that included 30% carpenters, electricians, plumbers, painters
and 30% in food production bakers, pastries chefs, butchers. The
rest were in services, hairdressers, artisans and tailors. Thierry
Gaudin, France
The contribution of the SME sector to UK
GDP (or these days, Gross Value Added) is heading towards 50 percent,
as compared with perhaps 35 percent 20 years ago. Over 4 million
SMEs exist in the UK today, of which 2.8 million have no employees
except the self-employed proprietor(s). Ted Fuller, UK
In the EU 92% of companies have over 10
workers and are creating the new jobs. Large industry has not
created a net job in the past 14 years.
In Spain 2 of every 3 new start ups are
set up by women entrepreneurs, who of course are creating most
of the new jobs. Myrtha Casanova. Spain
Two different research groups in Sweden
report that family owned companies are growing faster than other
companies and that of all IT companies in Sweden, the small and
newer companies created more jobs than larger more established
While this is an old trend, having long surpassed
the international giants, the world still functions as if big
business is the rule. This comment came from everyone who answered
my question (about 10 people) and from articles from the world
of research and small business associations. Yet politicians,
bureaucracy or investors do not reflect this in their behavior.
When will the trend change.
Source: World Futures Studies Federation
(Global federation of professional Futurists) list serve
IVA-aktuellt 8/2004
Entré , 3 2004
Date: November 20, 2004
Authors of Swedish IVA article: Pär Rönnberg
From sin to sickness
Sjuk eller frisk? (Sick or healthy?)
The recent decision on wether the man who
murdered the Swedish Foreign Minister, Anna Lind, should be sent
to jail or be considered mentally ill and be placed in a closed
psyciactric care facility, brought up the trend for human behaviors
once treated as sins to become crimes and then illnesses.
When Christianity (with seven sins of Sloth,
Greed, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust and Anger), was the rule, behaviors
that were wrong were sins and the punishment was death and eternal
hell. When rule of law became the norm, behaviors that were wrong
were those that broke the law and the punishment was jail or death.
As science and human education increases, behaviors are, increasingly,
seen as illnesses, particularly by people who's values are based
on the belief that people are basically good. Many now consider
alcohol abuse, narcotics use, gambling, and pedophile behavior
as illnesses in Sweden. Many people see them as "treatable".
There are 12step, Minnesota Method and other rehabilitation programs
and pills for pedophiles and perpetuators of incest. It is becoming
more difficult, as knowledge of the brain improves, to call a
murder a sin, or merely breaking the law. Such anti-social behaviors
stem from brain functions that, increasingly can be traced and
Source: Program 1, Swedish Radio, Godmorgon
Världen! (Good Morning World!)
Date: November 5, 2004
URL: www.sr.se/cgi-bin/P1/program/index.asp?programID=438