Ethics is the key to life, the living process in our society, where
moral values and principles are an important part of human dignity.
We take responsibility both for ourselves and for others. We are consciousness
of the interplay between thoughts, body and soul.
Meeting places are a forum for democracy, collective influence and decision
making. We accept and appreciate differences and diversity.
Life-long learning builds bridges between work life, leisure and activities.
Social and cultural competence is well developed.
The goal of economic activity is (GSP) Gross Societal Product that includes
social capital, social networks and norms, moral resources, human and
natural capital.
Companies owned and run by those of us that work there. Companies' successes
are measures in terms of gook quality, god reputation, social responsibility,
ethics and morals.
Global agreements exist in large important environmental questions. Transportation
is completely adjusted to environmental requirements. We use sun, wind
and water as sources of energy.
The biological diversity is maintained. The environment and economy are
related. Nature is used without being overused.
The borders of national states dissolve and new regions are built. We
cooperate in large continental organizations.
We are consciousness about the fact that we all are part of a whole.
Everything exists in the whole and therefore the whole influences everything.